Management Plan |
For consolidating the protection system, there must be established individual plans for each protected area (including the Putna – Vrancea Natural Park). This plans must integrate the principles presented in the local management plan for large carnivores, principles accepted at local and national level.
For establishing unitary management plans and reducing the possible negative opinions of landowners, these plans should be established using an unitary methodology and by explaining them step by step. The management plans will be important tool of communication for the protected areas’ custodians with local communities, these being able to control the field’s management manner from a conservation point of view.
Therefore, the action coordinator, Environmental Protection Agency Vrancea, alongside with the Vrancea County Council, Live Fire Sustainable Development Association and Vrancea Forest District, has launched the action of identifying the main factors interested and involved in the management processes from pSCI areas, realising a contacts list. Addresses have been sent to all land administrators from the proposed sites, being identified the responsible persons and institutions, and the manner in which they administrate the lands. As a result of these actions, in September there was created the first version of the contact database.