BENEFICIARY: Vrancea Environmental Protection Agency
is a county public authority concerning the environmental issues fulfilling in the attributions and responsibilities of the MESD (Ministry for Environmental and Sustainable Development) at local level (being the direct subordinate to the National Environmental Agency – Bucharest.
The institution has an important number of specialists (biologists, chemists, physicists, geographers,engineers), inspectors who are trained to evaluate the special protected areas and to monitor the habitats status in order to define the best conservation methodology.
Adrian Colin – Executive Director
Chiriac Silviu – Project Manager LIFE
Maria Plesa – Financial Administrator
Rodica Bongeac – Awareness campaign
Radu Sandu Mihai – coordinator capturing, tranquilizing, relocation action
Chiriac Nadia – coordinator awareness campaign
Adress : 2 Dinicu Golescu, Focsani , Vrancea County, Romania
Telephone: +40 0237 206788; +40 0237 216812
Fax: +40 0237 206788