A favorable conservation status of a species requires the existence of well enough conserved habitats, which can insure a balance in the ecosystem, proper to maintain minimal viable populations. The existence of a big number of bears on the project’s area requires also maintaining of big surfaces of favorable habitats for this specie.
The pressure on the bear populated habitats is accelerated in the same time with the increase of the development necessities of the human communities. Thus is registered in the last periods a degradation of the ecosystems due to intense forest exploiting, a reduction of graze lands due to intense house building process (weekend houses, pensions, etc). Habitat fragmenting factor is generated in the first place by rehabilitation or building of road infrastructures, opening of new access ways to the forest exploiting sites, linear extension of the settlements, or connecting of existing settlements.
Through this action will be analyzed the habitat’s degradation level under the impact of human activities in the Natura 2000 sites and their sides on the whole project’s area, being distinguished the strongly affected territories, which lost their favorability for the target specie.